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New Canada Work Permit Innovation Stream Pilot Is Now Open

Ngày 15/04, Bộ Di trú, Tị nạn và Quốc tịch Canada (IRCC) đã công bố Chương trình Innovation Stream Pilot mới (chương trình thí điểm dành cho ứng viên mang đến các sự cải tiến sáng tạo…) kéo dài 2 năm thông qua “Dự án Tăng Trưởng Nhanh Chóng Toàn Cầu”. Chương trình này cho phép các doanh nghiệp Canada cụ thể tuyển dụng lao động tay nghề nước ngoài bằng giấy phép làm việc, mà không cần LMIA (Đánh giá Tác động Thị trường Lao động).

Photo by Arlington Research on Unsplash

High-skilled jobs fall under National Occupational Classification (NOC) categories 0, 1, 2, or 3, which consider training, education, experience, and responsibilities. Moreover, family members of these foreign workers can obtain an open work permit, allowing them to work for nearly any employer in Canada.

The Innovation Stream is set to run for two years until March 22, 2026, barring any alterations. On June 27, 2023, the Immigration Minister disclosed the Canada Tech Strategy, including the announcement of a novel innovation stream aimed at attracting skilled workers to foster innovative enterprises.

Innovation Stream Pilot Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for a work permit under the Innovation Stream Pilot, foreign nationals, whether residing inside or outside Canada, must receive a job offer from one of the eligible employers identified within the Global Hypergrowth Project. Applicants are required to complete their work permit application through the IRCC Secure Account.

The job offer should pertain to a TEER 0, 1, 2, or 3 occupation as per the National Occupational Classification. Moreover, the offered wages must meet or exceed the median hourly wages established for the specific region. In cases where the position is governed by a bargaining agreement, the wage offered must align with the agreement's stipulations.

Additionally, the job offer must specify that the employer will reassess wages on the first day of employment and annually by January 1 to ensure ongoing competitiveness throughout the period of employment. Immigration officers must be convinced that applicants possess the necessary skills for the job they are seeking. They must assess whether applicants meet the educational and experiential requirements outlined in the National Occupational Classification for the occupation they are being offered.

Full List of Companies in Canada Eligible To Hire Through Innovation Stream

There are currently eight companies that are eligible to hire foreign nationals (inside or outside Canada) without needing an LMIA via the Innovation Stream, as listed below:

What is the Global Hypergrowth Project?

The Global Hypergrowth Project (GHP), a novel scale-up service initiated by the Canadian government, strives to accelerate the growth of Canadian businesses.

By leveraging the collective resources of its government collaborators, this project tailors support to suit the unique requirements of each participating company. It offers solutions that are as unique as the companies themselves.

What is an employer-specific work permit?

An employer-specific work permit in Canada authorizes you to work according to the conditions outlined in your permit, including specifics such as your employer's name, the duration of employment, and the authorized work location.

More details about the program:

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